Street Theatre

Moving Poles

Perched high in the air, flexible poles, the artists deliver a superb performance, bending and swaying in the air, captivating and engaging the audience in absolute fascination.
Based on the image of a field of wheat swaying in the breeze, the poles’ extreme strength and flexibility allow the performer to bow in impossible angles, swaying back and forth in a hypnotising dance as the audience looks up in wonder.

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Fool Britannia Abigail Collins straattheater voorstelling

Abigail Collins

Fool Britannia

Great Britain has voted to leave the EU. WHY?!!! Abigail Collins tries to find answers by exploring the eccentricities of the British. From tea time rituals to good sportmanship, Abigail uses circus, comedy and audience participation to understand aspects of her culture that even she finds baffling. A hilarious exposé of nationalism and a requiem to her beloved EU family. Strictly limited due to Brexit... 

Abigail Collins Fool Britannia photo by Dave Gooderham 1635

The Greatest Little Show On Earth

One very small woman with a very big idea - welcome to the Greatest Little Show On Earth!!!
Your hostess Ritzy Crackers brings you a three ring circus full of unique acts: acrobatics, hula-hoop, singing, absurd humour and lots of audience participation

abigail compilatie 350 x 170

Une Femme Exposée

"Une Femme Exposée" is the story of a diva fallen on hard times. After losing her lover, her career and her wealth Katinka finds herself transformed into La Clocharde, a homeless bag lady with only one objective: the show must go on! 

Acrobatics, ten hula hoops, a ridiculous ballet on pointe shoes made from traffic cones and audience participation make an engaging and absurdly comic performance. Created by an academic, trained dancer and certifified lunatic Abigail Collins (Australia / UK) "Une Femme Exposée" is street theatre that touches the heart, fires the brain and mercilessly tickles the funny bone.

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Abigail Collins Jubileum Show straattheater voorstelling

Vive L'amour

They say that everything sounds better in French and Abigail puts this to the test with Vive L'amour.
A show full of circus stunts, madcap comedy, magic, mayhem and a ridiculous accent.
Could it be that Madame Collins will find true romance or will her potential love interest's one-liners prove more cheesy than a factory full of fromage frais?

Jubileum Show 350 x 449
ACTUA Produccions - Sisyphus

ACTUA Produccions


A large visual act that turns every occasion and festival into an unforgettable event. A show for all ages. Music and acrobats will fill the streets that Sisyphus passes with spectacle and charm. 

ACTUA Produccions Sisyphus 01 verkleind
Ale Risorio straattheater

Ale Risorio


A one man show with humour and universal language.
An innocent, poignant and irreverent clown, master of the "nonsense" and the absurd. Lots of interaction with the audience and comical situations. 
What do you want to be: Master of the Samurai, juggler or a small Peter Pan? Everything is possible with Ale Risorio.

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Ale Risorio La Kermesse straattheater voorstelling

La Kermesse

ErnestoR, a fan of games and fairs, travels with his kermesse trolley. The wheels spin and the game begins. Impossible missions to perform and the surprise that each number will be unique, to an audience that will also be part of the madness of this character.
A kermesse in wich everyone takes a prize. 

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The one man Circus Show of Pierrick St-Pierre alias Ahuma is a mixture of physical comedy, mime and circus skills. The highlight of the show can be seen on the 2.5m high slack rope that Ahuma perfectly mastered, although he always gives the impression of falling. The rope is always held by a child.
Fantastic family entertainment.

Strong man Namur

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Clowns Kado straattheater voorstelling

Arno Huibers Theatre Producties

As a clown and an actor, Arno has been making clowstheatre from 1984 in which he distinguishes himself from the traditional clown's image with subtle and poetic humor. The appreciation for this is evident from the favourable critiques published by the international press. His clown takes him with his delicate form of humor into theatres and slums of South America, Indonesia, Europe and into his own theatre in his backyard. And now it brings him to you!

Clowns Gift

There is a big present on the stage. A decent, bald gentleman with a red tuft of hair plays music. And there is another clown, not just a regular one but a funny one! Before the gift is unpacked, there's time for a lot of clown jokes with a musical garbage can, a living broom, with silent drums, the biggest baby, the most beautiful bubble in the world, opera and so much more... And the clown gift? We are happy to unpack it for you with an endearing smile to a guffaw.

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Bedlam Oz


Whirling and writhing in vast squirming slinkies.
Familie is a 4 person compelling atmospheric performance that is both delightful and dynamic. Sometimes described as a strangely wonderful dance. Familie is tightly choreographed to an industrial soundtrack.

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Slinkie Love

Stretching to six meters high, twisting and curling into a ball, the two slinkies thrill their audience with a playful and eye catching performance.
Join in with the oohs and ahhhs as you witness this charming story of two huge slinkies falling in love. Slinkie Love is an extremely versatile ten minutes show that will steal the hearts of the audience. 

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Ben Zuddhist

Versilli and the Smallest Animal Circus in the World

Versilli Bolokov is the ex-director of the Prekasjny Circus in Transistan. Having been ejected from his homeland for gross absurdity he now wanders the globe trying to convince himself and everyone else that he is still a big shot circus director. Helping him along are various stray (not real!) animals including Dubrovnich the acrobatic dog, Alberty the balancing cow, Brechney the raccoon and the star of the show, Kevnich the flying donkey.
Versilli and the Smallest Animal Circus in the World is a varied, absurd, uplifting show for all ages that combines comedy, magic, music, circus skills and audience participation. 

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Le Funambule Striptease

In Le Funamble Striptease the complete nerd Ben Zuddhist ultimately proves to his public that he is indeed Super Benny, the world renowed super hero, by stripping down to his super hero trunks whilst walking a rope... The show is an award winning 40 minute street theatre / festival show involving original balance stunts, hilarious comedy, improvisation, circus skills and audience participation: 15 men, one woman and a high child help Zuddhist on his trip to a burning finale as he ends up balanced on the 16mm rope 2.5 meters high above a small cow. 
Suitable for all ages. 

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Cirque Frappé


Two traveling clowns get into a small empty circus tent. 
When they find themselves in the circus piste, they are confronted with an audience waiting for a circus show. But there are no artists! Escaping is not an option so the clowns put up their happiest faces and start the circus performance. That's where the comedy begins and unintentionally they create a heartwarming, magical show.

Cirque Frappé creates a show with lots of humour, beautiful music and magical tricks performed by two clowns with a big heart and a small minivan. 

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Cirque Frappé Pandora straattheater voorstelling


One day, everything is gone...!
The circus tent, the elephants and the beautiful trapeze girls, the popcorn car and the orchestra. There is nothing left. 
Anton and Antonia, the directors couple are in shock. How is this possible, only yesterday they performed a show in their big top circus tent together with all of the artists, props and animals? And now there is nothing left but one suitcase...
Fortunately this suitcase is anything but empty. Just like Pandora's Box there are some big surprises in this suitcase. And with the help of the audience, the magic suitcase and lots of fantasy Circus Pandora comes back alive. And in front of a cheering audience Anton and Antonia create a spectacular circus show.

Circus Pandora is a beautiful show that reminds us of the time of the nostalgic, traveling circus in the early 20th century. Circus Pandora brings back the hopes and dreams of the traveling circus artists in this most colourful circus period in history. Circus Pandora is a show with exciting circus tricks, touching moments and lots of humour. The show tells the story of the history of the circus, from the first horses in the piste, the raw circus acts in the streets of Italy to the modern circus of today. 

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The Zambini's

The Zambini's

It has been exactly 100 years since The Great Zambini disappeared into the great magic box... And he has never been found again. Fortunately, there is only one heir that not only wants to become the new owner of the magic box, but to his own surprise also the assistant of the box... Today is the day: the mysterious suitcase will open after 100 years. And that is the start of a comical magic show with a very surprising finale! Take everything with a grain of salt or rather, take the whole salt pot, but do not forget to enjoy beautiful music, magic, mentalism and first class comedy during this very entertaining show from The Zambini's. 

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In the middle of the land of a thousand-and-one nights lives the mysterious Zaldadin. A young woman who stands her ground in a world full of robbers, sultans and fata morganas. 
The mysterious Sim lives on the other side of the desert. He is a though guy that has magical powers, but cannot always control them. Sometimes he changes humans into animals on accident, his own swords like to attack him in stead of the bad guys and his own flying carpet flies away without him. When the two meet, they instantly connect.
Zaladin stands for Humour, Magic, Mystery and Spectacle. 


Doorway Cabaret

A fast-paced, physical comedy show that thrills the audience with up-close comedy and high energy fun. The show is short and sweet, packed with fun from beginning to end. This incredible versatile cabaret can be set up in any environment. 

Doorway Cabaret 2 350 x 148

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Dado straattheater voorstelling

Mon-Oncle le bossu in CLASSIC

Dado, one of the best New Vaudevillians today, presents a hypnotic array of original props and physical comedy, mixed with an incredible assortment of unusual instruments of eccentricity.

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Mon-Oncle le bossu in ODDBALL

Mon-Oncle le bossu in ODDBALL

An incredible array of up-beat humour, ODDBALL antics and comical buffoonery where ordinary becomes absurd & the absurd becomes ordinary. Where musical chickens and super flies truly exist. Innovative props comedy, puppets, magic, bizarre musical instruments and snappy non-verbal wit. 

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De Vliegende Koffer

Once upon a Hand

In perhaps the smallest theater, in the shortest performance and on the smallest stage (namely your hand) ever, a full story is played out. 
Like the launch of the first rocket to the moon or a rendezvous in a romantic palace garden where the frog prince wants to be kissed.
Four adults or two adults and three children can fit in the beautiful atmospheric theater cart. 
After a friendly welcome, the audience experiences a private performance of up to three minutes, played to their hearts and hands.

Multiples - straattheater voorstelling

Directie & Co


A group of office men make their way through the city on their lunch break. 
A strange looking bunch. They look identical and move identical, afraid to fall out of tune with one another.
They are seriously pushing the age limit on retirement. 
Multiples shows a series of scenes from the lives of these men, how they spend their leisure time and their relationships to each other, in an almost surreal stilness.
Multiples zooms in at the absurdities of their existence.
But the spectator is the only one laughing. 
For the men there is nothing to laugh about. They are lost, fragile and lonely.
Multiples gives a voice to this little man. 
She adds a critical note to everyday mediocrity.
A visual form of street-art that touches our imagination and is subject of conversation. 

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Laundry XL is a street theatre performance by six women and a large pile of sheets. Six laundry ladies roam the city and transform it into a world of white laundry. 

Laundry is the main ingredient for a fleeting drama that passes by. With their tight household the emotions of these fanatical laundry women sometimes go a bit overboard.

The performance balances in the realm of dance, theatre and visual art. 

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Grotesque elegance. From afar the moving man can be seen in all its beauty and in every dimension. The built-in LED lighting accentuates this spectacle. The players who serve Dundu have perfected the art of moving through countless performances with this act. They bring the figure to live. Give him colour and character. 

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Frans Custers Marthilda Sliert

Frans Custers

Marthilda Sliert

'Marthilda Sliert, Fortune Teller' is a theatrical act in a small tent for six people and takes about five minutes. Frans Custers plays the story of the crazy Marthilda, who deals with striking hobbies in her daily life. The visitors are actively involved in the "future forecast". Usually the craziest things happen and hilarity prevails. It is mainly an absurd show where the whole tent starts to shake and smoke. The mystical atmosphere, including light and sound effects, completes the performance.

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Gabor Vosteen  Tuuti Fluti

Gabor Vosteen

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Tuuuti Fluti

Non-verbal, poetical and very funny.

The spidery capering charmer with exploded hair seduces with the most beautiful instrument of the world: the recorder.
With fine melodies and perky visual comedy, musical clown Gabor Vosteen abducts into his particular world full of playfulness. Like the Pie Piper he ensnares his audience and tries to enthuse the people for his passion: playing music with humour. Wherever he comes around Gabor Vosteen fills the air with virtuoso recorder sounds and laughter.
Lenght of the show is about 20 minutes. It can be presented in one or in two acts. Gabor is working constantly on new material so there are also other possibilities available. 
The Sound of Sewing

The Mobile Sewing Company

The Sound of Sewing

A cheerful street theatre performance in which sewing, theatre and music go together seamlessly. 
It is a beautiful picture: two antique Dutch bicycles and two improvisation couturiers who transform the audience's clothing live into a work of art. 
The audience enjoys, dances and sings along.

The traveling studio was founded in 2004, since then people in many countries took off their clothes for the ladies! 
The clothes are sewn on a sewing mobile: the rear wheel of a bicycle drives the sewing machine, a beautiful and globally unique way of sewing.

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GardeRobe & Co

The Bench - The Encounter

It is actually just a bench that you can come across somewhere unexpected and ordinary. Well, just? The bench is beautiful and has its own design. It stands somewhere on the street, in the woods, in the park, in a shopping centre, in front of a theatre or a museum or a nursing home. You name it. In a place where people walk by. The bench is for 2 people. When you walk by, the bench will appeal to you and invite you to sit down for a chat, to tell a story or to sing a beautiful song. The visitor has an intimate encounter, together or alone, with the bench.

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Sisters of Soap

Three characters are racing around on their bmx bikes; the muddier the terrain, the more they are enjoying themselves.
But what do these energetic characters actually do? They park their bikes and then get to work with soap, towels and a bucket of water...
Sisters of Soap is a beautiful, visual, interactive and mobile act that shows us different sides of ourselves.
And what it is all about in the end: human contact, attention and love.
Herr Niels straattheater show

Herr Niels

Herr Niels Mime

The inimitable Herr Niels knows how to fool gravity amazingly. His muscle control is so eerily perfect that the Dutch Gymnastics Association once asked him to come and give a demonstration...
Niels defies all laws of gravity by tilting 45 degrees. And "compared to how Niels dances, Michael Jackson has the flexibility of a rusted armor!"
A German review about him: "Was er auf die Bühne bringt, ist eigentlich unbeschreiblich. Visual Comedy auf allerhöchstem Niveau." Westfalenblatt, 10. März 2010. 

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Image Entertainment

The Lure

Welcome to the "Cabaret of Hearts",
Meer Cherie, Trésor and other sweethearts.
Splendeur, wine, soul smart,
But do not waste your heart,
In the game where love is fun.

Celebrate the good life! The Lure brings back Moulin Rouge vibes from the early twenties to your location: saloon music, French wine, a laugh and the can-can.
Meet the star dancers of the cabaret: the diva Cherie and the charming Trésor. Put your worries aside, because tonight fun reigns.
À bientôt dans le caberet!
Two actressses who stylishly receive your guests, arrange them, and perform a can-can dance. 


Oscar is a man of few words, deeds and little breathing. Oscar is just ... Oscar.
A living statue in the image of the Oscar trophy.
Your guests imagine themselves to be Rich and Famous as they walk on the red carpet until Oscar comes to life and scares them.

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Give your location the glitter and glamour touch with the Trophy act. Two golden statues come to life every now and then and perform a jazz dance to pleasant atmospheric music: big bands, that good old oldies from the 30s and 40s, Sinatra, etc. Trophy is the perfect subtle entertainment, with a luxurious appearance, which your guests are sure to appreciate!

Trophy Sings
Your guests will find themselves in a pleasant atmosphere. The best music from yesteryear sounds in the background: Big bands, 30s, 40s, Frank Sinatra, Shirley Bassey. The guests will mix, drink another and have a great time. A few of them will stop and stare at the gorgeous, golden statues. They can't believe their ears... this is live... Trophy not only sings at parties, but also on every other occasion. A luxurious act with a golden voice!

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Carrousel straattheater

Marc Heijnen Sopacuwa


1 man
1 horse
1 carrousel

Join the Carrousel.
An openhearted encounter with a remarkable clown who brings you all-embracing impromptu theatre.
This nostalgic attraction is drivable for everybody, even when you have wheels yourself.

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The Bench Man

There is room enough for everyone on the bench. 
An openhearted encounter with a remarkable clown who brings you all-embracing impromptu theatre. 


A Street theatre performance where the audience is invited to take a seat on the seats. 
A unique experience for both the spectator and the participant: member of a choir, a roller coaster ride or witnessing a wedding.
Curious where the seats are this time?

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Martin Forget

Resto La Table

The clumsy waiter Martin works at Resto La Table. Like every morning, he goes to work. He sweeps the floor, washes the dirty glasses of the day before and starts to set the table. 
But today he has a problem: the table is protesting! The table does not want to be set. Everything that is put on the table is immediately rejected by the table. 
Martin has forgotten something important, something the table absolutely needs. A fight between the waiter and the table starts.
And the restaurant is almost opening... Will Martin remember what he has forgotten on time?

Mada, Sir, welcome to RESTO LA TABLE! 

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Omberto en de Betoverde Hand - straattheater voorstelling

Omberto and the Enchanted Hand

Forget the three-breasted woman, the strongest man on earth and the flea circus! Omberto shows you something that has never been shown on stage before. He owns a Miracle of Magic. You will not believe your eyes when you first see the Enchanted Hand! Thanks to an incrompehensible power, this hand lives independently of any body. And that is not all! The hand possesses magical powers that Omberto himself can hardly control.
Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls: come and see for yourself and witness the wonderful Omberto and the Enchanted Hand! 

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Padre Martinez

Padre Martinez

Padre Martinez wants to return the lost sheep to the stable. Padre Martinez is strict but loving, righteous and generous.

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Marius Broeders

The Musical Blacksmith

Theatre, Music and Craftmanship
The combination of his love for tinkering and his musical brain makes him come up with all-new-crazy-self-made-instruments:
Have you ever heard of the Bucket-Bass? The One-Stringed Diddly Bo? The spinning Leslie-Trombone?
That's alright, he will hammer them together with his sizeable hands, right before your eyes. 
And he plays them too! Right between his hilarious experiments with electricity and fire. 
He creates songs with his loop station, using only one string and one voice. As a purebred entertainer he loves to interact with his audience!
You are invited to his little caravan and take on a journey packed with humour, through music, theatre and craftsmanship, and you'll even get to join every now and then. If you dare.  

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Statues Vivantes

Gorilla the Thinker

This is a living statue of a Gorilla.
One moment he is sitting with his head in his hand, lost in deep thought. 
The next moment he stares at his audience, intense and full of questions.
An impressive act that touches people, but also entertains them!
This statue is inspired by the statue “Le Penseur” (the Thinker) by Auguste Rodin


This is a living statue of an Orangutan; an impressive appearance. It is a bit exciting to get close, but it has a friendly character. Maybe he just wants to flea you.

Orang Oetan 2 350 x 171

The Grumpy Old Man

What a terrible person, always cranky...
Yet there is humor behind his moodiness: his nasty character is very entertaining for the audience!
This living statue is unequalled: a hilarious one-man show!

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MaTTo straattheater

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Two roguish fisherman take you into their world of fishing. Sitting on top of the scaffolding, they are waiting for that one big catch... And suddenly BITE! Is it a fish? Or perhaps a passer-by?

Theater Gili Gili

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Funny Hats

Make your own Funny Hat with wrapping paper. Ongoing workshop for anyone wanting something different to wear on their head. 
Martine teaches groups of people how they can quickly make an original hat. 
They shows them how the hats can be folded, she suggests different models and gives them a gentle nudge to use their own imagination.
It's funny to see how more and more people are wearing a Funny Hat.  
Funny Hats 350 x 492
Mimusmal Simply Clara


Simply Clara

Clara is a small clown with 22 threads. She loves her red shoes and her yellow couch. But there is more. She is expected to do a string dance. But Clara wants nothing more than to roller skate. Gliding across the floor and forgetting the world! Just purely herself!

Simply Clara is a beautiful poetic performance with fantastic puppetry. 

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Every step along the way brings a new puzzle to work on.

We constantly face situations we have to solve. We look for pieces that fit or try to find the right steps to solve them as if they were a puzzle. However, the same problems and the same situations are repeated again and again, and sometimes we feel trapped like a labyrinth without an exit. With intelligence or intuition we manage to unravel the ball in which we feel entangled. Most often, the simplest path is the most accurate. Nil is a metaphor for each person facing themselves, a journey through different ways of dealing with a problem and how to manage frustration and restlessness without losing hope. A puppeteer and a puppet try to solve a riddle, a puzzle. A peculiar relationship where the line is diluted between who is who. A show of details where the gesture is sought as a language to convey emotions in a musical poetic journey. 
Minusmal Nil website 2

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Mr Dyvinetz

Street Festival Show

This act is a combination of different techniques: a fusion between the artist and the extension of his body: the Cyr Wheel.
Only a few artists on the world know how to use the Cyr Wheel properly. 
With a total control over the ring, Mr Dyvinetz knows how to make spins in a 360 degree version in combination with acrobatic figures and surprising dance movements.
Playing with balance and visual beauty lead to this special act!

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Sway Pole

Slow diver and drunk too. Noah is an engaging acrobat who likes to take and likes to be at a great height when he takes. He has a pole of 6 meters, but this pole is very flexible. The top of the pole and him sway in all directions. Why doesn't the pole break? Watch your things: Noah sometimes has to grasp the craziest things to keep him standing. And that includes the audience. 

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The Royal Flush

What happens if you have to go to the toilet ... and the only toilet is on a long tube?
The start of a fantastic arcobatic adventure.

Noah's speciality is the 2000-year-old Chinese art of vertical pole climbing, in which he climbs a five meter high mast in more ways than is humanly possible and in which he takes on poses that seem to defy the laws of gravity. 

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Flogging a Dead Horse paka straattheater

Paka The Uncredible

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Flogging a Dead Horse

Paka The Uncredible truly is incredible. This performance is a unique combination of men and machine. An unbelievable example of applied knowledge of pneumatics, mechanical machinery, pyrotechnics and remote-controlled electronics. Together with the flamboyant play and the daring acrobatics of actor/scientist Simon Collins, a performance that will stay with you for a long time. 

Mundo Costrini

The Crazy Mozarts

An original concert where nothing is what it seems. A symphony of gags and absurd situations, where the audience participates actively for every single moment.
A unique show of laughter, wonder, and singing along with these two crazy musicians, that will do the impossible to survive this exciting musical chaos.

Mundo Costrini The Crazy Mozarts site 1

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Gran Teatro Dentro

Pop-up theatre from Italy. Fausto Barile is a fantastic figure that hides something special inside of him. A complete theatre!

We all know that inside our bellies are a bubbling mass of thoughts, fears, moods and emotions. Fausto Barile rather opens his belly than his mouth. He unbuttons his jacket and shirt to spread his belly wide open and to show the theatre inside, complete with audience, stage and lights. And the show? A series of oddities, attractions, comical and poetic everyday events. 

Jannes de Groenteman straattheater

Ruut van Hooft

Jannes the Greengrocer

Jannes always is always a trusted appearance on the market.
Adorned with a beret and its inseparable thick bulb, he adds a cheerful touch to any market.
Whether it is a harvest or sowing event or an environmental market, Jannes scatters his environmentally-friendly talk during his fruit and vegetable raffle. 

Shalton Theatre

Circle of Life

A mega decor. 12 meters high, 10 meters wide. A majestic cocoon is hanging by a thread. 
An insect emerges. Is it a butterfly? A fly?
At the same time another flying creature appears out of nowhere. A bee? The two gigantic flutterers are preparing for a special encounter.
But a third insect intervenes. With her web. A spectaculair confrontation. As the imagination between attraction and repulsion.
A powerful fight for love and being together. 

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Spheric E-motion

An invitation to enter a timeless airbubble in which everything is possible. With dance, pantomime and poetry a mythological character is created that symbolises the circle of life.
A sensual metaphor of moving colours with a breathtaking visual impact. 

Nebula Swing

Walk Act

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Fixed performance:

Transparant. ethereal, astral, unearthly beings from another universe transport you into their spherical dimension.

Within their own world they express their moods and feelings with movements and dance to eventually become one with their bubble.

Round, soft, sensual, visual stimulations, that will surprise you and enchant your eyes and heart.

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Onde Océane

Floating bubble on the water.

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A group/dance performance in bubbles, where the emphasis is on the symmetry, the figures and the dynamics of the movements.

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Stage show with dancers and hula hoop acrobatics in the bubble.
In her small world the dancer discovers her talents and the ability to blossom them. 

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Studio Surprise

Camera Nostalgica

A stylish photographer invites you into the camera. By squeezing the flashball you detremine the moment at which the photo is taken and a few moments later the nostalgic print is ready! The photos are give to you in a case with a personal message.
Studio Surprise... always surprising!

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GekkeBekken FotoShow

The Silly Faces Show

Our gigantic life size photo camera is a real eye-catcher and combined with a happy tune a guaranteed hit. 
Our director (actor) challenges everybody to make the best silly face.
On a screen the audience outside can follow what is going on inside the cabin. 
Always hilarious to see!
The picture is taken when you are ready and presented by the director in ten seconds.
Peperbus Fotozuil

Pepper Photo Column

This column is very suitable for any event because it can be easily adjusted to your event.
Posters and information can be affixed to the column. 
The column can be stickered as desired.
The fact that the column also takes ready-made photos is of course amazing.
Multifunctional: informative and fun. 

Picture Box

Three surprises for the price of one!
1) Surprising entertainment: the stylishly dressed photographer invites all guests: "take a seat, dress up with some costumes if you want and squeeze the light bulb if you want to print, have fun!" The other guests or visitors can watch and enjoy what is happening on a screen.
2) The first photo will be put into a photo album and a personal word can be written next to it. The photo guest album is a wonderful way to be able to look back.
3) Guests will immediately receive the second photo as a special souvenir.   

Steven Luca

François Blanc

This small, poetic act has grown into a street theatre classic. 
For almost 20 years, puppeteer Steven Luca has had this picturesque puppet make white portraits of an enthousiastic public. 
From the first minute the manikin has the sympathy of the audience.
The painter who paints with white paint on a white canvas transcends his own work. 
François Blanc is touching, exciting, sweet and mean, a gem and a moment of relaxation in the hectic existence of modern society. 
In 2018, the documentary "They Call Me Busker" was published, about the work of puppeteer Steven Luca. 
Steven Luca François Blanc 2 website

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Street sweeper Schrott is friendly. Even climate-friendly.
He has an extraordinary interest in the residual waste from the passing public.
He sees the remnants that the spectators deposit in his rubbish bin as a valuable collection of items that could perhaps be given a second life. 
Who knows, you might go home with something beautiful. At least with a warm memory of that friendly street sweaper Schrott.
In this new act, which completely fits in with today's ecological zeitgeist, puppeteer Steven Luca approaches the public's residual waste with a large dose of poetry. This humble master of improvisation combines sadness with cheerful imagination.

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Take a risk and gamble on this one-armed bandit. It has the looks of a slot machine from the roaring twenties but from the inside it is full of human ingenuity. Insert a coin, pull the handle and the machine will start to spin. One by one, three odd characters will pass by. They will decide if you're lucky. What will it be? Grapes, lemons, cherries or four leave clovers. Three in a row is JACKPOT! It is permitted to complain about the results. Jackpot is unpredictable but human, too...

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Classic Rally Ride

You can hear it from a distance; the boosting voice of a reporter, growling engines, the blast of a starting pistol... In a few moments, the big racers of the early days will pass. Cheering for the leader, encouraging words for the laggard. The audience suddenly becomes part of the pit stop where champagne flows, tires are changed, cars have to be fuelled up and checked for the next heat. Let's hit the road again! To the bitter end, fully focused till the finish line. 
Inspired by the heroic pioneers of automotive history and those beautiful cars. 

Classic Rally Ride 350 x 276
Het Bankstel

The Couch

Let's introduce...
This couch has the looks! It frowns, signs, whispers and keeps an eye on you. Left and right feel easily at home. They sure can speak words of wisdom, but a light informal conversation for social occasions can be arranged too. 
It is real French baroque and that's no joke! 

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Baron von Münchhausen straattheater voorstelling

Baron von Münchhausen

Baron Karl Friedrich von Munchhausen returns in his own story, still convinced that all his adventures really happened. According to the many tales the Baron was capable of doing all the impossible, flying on a bullet, riding on his halved horse, turning hungry wolves inside out or pulling himself out of the swamp by his own hair! Suitcase by suitcase these unbelievable events and hunting stories will be unravelled. The Baron will show his righteousness on a very charming way. But please, don't mind the breakneck stunts. 
TukkersConnexion Baron van Munchhausen 350 x 151

Pull That String

Experience that guitly pleasure feeling from the early days at the fairground with 'Pull-that-string'! Prize everytime. Antje, Meindert and Kees, the owners of this fairground stall, will introduce the audience to their Aunt Beth. As Aunt Beth was their great example and, of course, their favourite auntie. There was fairground blood running through her veins. As she moved from region to region with her attraction she used her big nose for treasure hunting. She could not resist collecting and she became more and more rich richly surrounded by exclusive thingies. 
For sure: Auntie Beth was a collector's item herself!
When Beth crossed the rainbow bridge, she left everything to her relatives. The legacy of this unique woman did not only consist of 500 meters of rope... Step into the world of Aunt Beth. Choose a rope and pull that prize. What prize might be there for you? A super prize or knick-knacks? One thing is for sure, the prize will always be unique. Exactly as Auntie Beth would have wished for. Who's in it, to win it?


Two giant orange pumpkins, in each a dancer, will bring you into an autumn fairytale. The dancers will pop up, spy around and anticipate on their surroundings. Inspired by their music and the audience they create a mystical atmosphere and take young and old along in their fantasy without saying a word. A pleasant performance that will stay in one place. 

Turn Up

A nostalgic meeting

The wheels are turning, the chains are creacking; energy is going to be translated into toil. In a heroic way the actors face the risks of every single moment, balancing on the boarders of their capacity. Never ending cooperation, production and inspiration, dynamics in every detail. Fighting against the elements, in extreme concentration, striving for the required perfection. 

Turn Up is a non-spoken improvisation of various scenes, movements and effects. In a setting of tackles, winches, wheels, cables and pulleys the hard-working men are busy doing their jobs. They symbolise the labour, energetic power, joy and cooperation. Because of the simplicity of its construction, its colours and its natural look, Turn Up will be associated with the good old days.

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Ulik Robotik



A machine comes to life...
UliK and his drum invite the robot to start a turbulent ride.
Robotik is a combination of a wild rollercoaster ride and a drum show: a musical, humorous and with visual highlights. 
UliK Robotik shows how perfectly man and machine can play together. Through the interactive game the robot becomes human and turns the show into an extraordinary experience. 

Robotik 350 x 232

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Altrego The Beauty and the beast poppentheater


The German Altrego is especially known for their beautifully designed puppets and the strong, wordless performances. 
Vicor Kucera and Dirk Volkmann play their self-carved puppets, stick and table dolls. 

The Beauty and the Beast

An island, two castaways and a box
The story about something beautiful that is not that beautiful and about a beast that is not that beasty. 

Bängditos Theatre

2 CV

In a loud and smoking blowup, a tiny, French-made car called the "duck" breaks down. 
When two French tourists lose their way in the street and, with charming enthousiasm, involve one and all in their precarious distress, none of the amused onlookers can imagine that this daft duo could ever find their way back to Paris. 

With grandiose fervor, situations become more complicated, streets more labyrinthine, and passers-by more hectic. But their "deux minutes" calms down any situation, even when it takes 45 minutes. 

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Bakkie Bike Cinema

Bakkie Bike Cinema

The antique cargo bike is one of the smallest cinemas of the Netherlands.
Two people can watch a movie at a time. 
At the Bakkie Bike Cinema however, it's not just about what goes on in the cinema. 
The ouvreuses dance and play their own intermission program in front of the door and play the audience outside the cinema. 
Bakkie Bike Cinema is not just about watching a movie: it's about watching the queue. 

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Barto Streetshow straattheater voorstelling


Barto Comic Acrobat

Barto is a comic fool who hangs his show on a slack rope and entraps his audience with spell binding contortionist routines. A gentle, crazed character, his show is a unique event that stirs the audience with its clowining antics, and technical feats of brilliance. 
Barto has worked on stage in theatre and circus, on open air festivals and private events and has made various television appearances. 

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Brocéliande / Creëermeneer

Noblesse Oblige

A curious vehicle, pulled by two elegant footmen.
They hop, skip, stride and canter to the lovely tunes of Baroque music. 
Will they stop? Is something official about to happen?
Are they going to roll out the red carpet for you?
What or who is hiding behind these curtains?
Expect a royal occasion because...
Noblesse Oblige! Nobility Obliges! 

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Close Act Theatre

The theatre spectacles of Close-Act travel all over the world. 
The performances, played by 3 to 40 actors, known no language, no culture and no age limit. That is why this Dutch group presents her acts not only in Europe, but also in Asia, South America, North America, Afrika and the Middle-East.


Because of their size, visual play and interactive character the performances that Close-Act brings have made a name for themselves in the field of street theatre. Malaya, one of the largest street theatre productions, is an example of this.


A square full of people. No stage, no tent, no theatre hall. It might even rain... Pi-Leau is street theatre that literally moves people. Actors and mobile object move through and with the audience. Like the sea, the crowd will find their way to move obstacles out of their way. A unique experience!  

TNT shows_Temple

TNT shows

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The Maya warriors take us on an adventure around their beautiful temple. 
They fly through the air, make countless somersaults, build human pyramids, walk against walls and much more. 
Acrobatics, trampoline jumping and a touch of humour are the ingredients of this show! 

Compagnie des Quidams

L’Effet Sphère

L'Effet Sphère brings poetic suggestions and images about environmental issues and the hope for a better world. This data provide a visual and magical spectacle with balloons, light and beautiful costumes. 

La Rêve d’Herbert

They emerge from the shadow, tall figures on stilts in white draped clothing. On the corner of the street, under the branches of a tree, they are silently waiting. Then with slow movements they meet each other and then leave again a little later. The public is then invited to follow them.

Step by step the five figures change into huge four meter high figures. Despicable and majestic at the same time, rude and gracious. It is like they come from another planet, when suddenly their heads are illuminated.

On a strangely magical music the huge silhouettes take everyone with them to a large star. On their magical way the star rises into the sky... like a witch to the moon... like in a dream. 

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El Capstok

Madame Rosalie

This fortune teller with French accent is an appearance in itself.
She lives in her kiosk and likes to play her tunes. 
But if you really need her for something, call her name three times and ring the bell three times.
Because all good things come in three. 


Nakupelle (Joe Dieffenbacher) is an American clown who performs all over the world. Language barriers do not exist in his performances.

Paper Work

Joe Dieffenbacher (aka Nakupelle) transforms a boring cleaning job into a playground of imaginative and ridiculous fun! Paper Work features a dysfunctional paper shredder, a fight with a mad dog, silly stunts with paper, a battle with a dragon, and a singing songs about flying while wearing a shredded paper chicken suit. 

Joe's shows are a master class in silent comedy, visual gags, circus skills, slapstick, magical effects, object theatre, puppetry and clowning. 

The Trap

A plant, a man, a plant. Technology and nature are fighting and an unfortunate fool is caught in the middle. 
'The Trap' is a slapstick, but also a poetic performance.
A hilarious, psychological comedy, supported by cruel music. 
The American Joe Dieffenbacher of Nakupelle is a crazy comedian who does neck-breaking stunts with stairs. His street theatre act is non-verbal, but full of acrobatics. 

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Crêpe de la bête straattheater voorstelling


Crêpe de la bête

It's been quite a while since the famous crêpe restaurant of a prominent family was at its peak.
Times have changed and for financial reasons the descendants have had to exchange the chic restaurant for a few tables and an open-air kitchen.
It is hard work and a lot of sweat to maintain the restaurant and to ensure that the long gone founders of the restaurant won't turn in their graves. 
A spectacular show with (air) acrobatics, juggling, humour and last but not least: crêpes. 

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Hendrik & Co

Checkpoint Henry

A show at the focal point of humour and current events. 
In times of migration and increasing control, "Checkpoint Henry" is created: the world's smalles customs post.
A quircky control freak is stationed at the festival with his own customs post (the size of a caravan).
Henry informs the vistors of the conditions of their stay and eventually they can go through the barrier with a big smile and a valid, tailor-made visum. 
Checkpoint Henry is an one-man performance full of imagination and interaction.
Searching and finding contact with the audience is central.
Checkpoint Henry is a performance that combines the inside and outside world in a hilarious way. 

Hendrik Co Checkpoint Henry 350 x 278

Craie de Trottoir straattheater voorstelling

Craie de Trottoir

Pure mime and clowning on the street.
Hendrik, the star of Hendrik & co, gives colour to your festival or event with Craie de Trottoir. 
His sympathetic personality is inspiring and with just a suitcase and a few pieces of chalk he manages to entertain his audience. 

Craie de Trottoir 350 x 230

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Jarno di Parno

Mr. Suitcase

An old cargo bike, 15 suitcases and a crazy gentleman are the ingredients of this bizarre show. 
Absurdities, magic, visual mess and crazy findings rapidly alternate. Top entertainment for young and old in this hilarious show with a lot of interaction with the audience and an overdose of nonsense. 

Luister naar je hert theatervoorstelling in eigen theaterwagen

Listen to your Heart, my Deer

Unexpectedly, right in the middle of your hectic life, you seem to get shot.
You and your fellow sufferers are deerly welcomed as a hunting trophy.
While your palpitrations calm down and someone looks deep into your brown eyes, you will receive advise from your deer friends. 
Wipe the hooves, follow the track.

Listen to your Heart, my Deer is a short surprising act. Suitable for street theatre, company party or in a shopping mall. 
The performance takes place in a (small) Theatre wagon. The show lasts four minutes and is played for five people. Ten shows per hour.

luister naar je hert 350 x 210

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De verrukkelijke Vuilnismannen

Meatball & vd Camp Circus Theatre

Delicious Garbage Men

Ko and Lou, two purebred Circus Artists, pay hommage to the collector of waste, litter and rubbish! To the man who is just as important as the doctor, the psychiatrist and the roadman: The Garbage Man. A whimsical cascade of dangerous somersaults, the strong man-on-man-garbage-bin trick, garbage bag, PET bottle, can and fish juggling for the advanced. Seperating waste is the motto. Under the guise of "seperate waste and cleanliness together" they build a human piramid together with the audience. 
A hilarious environmental spectacle.  

DDF crew winnaars Holland’s got Talent 2012

Planet Jump Rope

DDF Crew

The professional rope skipping team DDF Crew from Planet Jump Rope, jumps many performances every year.
In 2012 they won Holland's Got Talent and Don't Stop Me Now in the United Kingdom. 
Rope skipping with the DDF Crew is not just rope jumping. 
The DDF Crew brings a fast combination of hiphop, acrobatics, gymnastics, break dance moves and humour to catchy music, with the constant whirring of the two jump ropes in the background. DDF stands for Double Dutch Force. 
With walking sticks, boogie music, a suitable outfit and of course the jumping robes, the DDF crew provides an original, spectacular show! 

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starbugs ritmische sport comedy straattheater voorstelling


Switzerland's most uncool hip-hop artists...
The loudest mime players of the world...
The fastest Berner boys in the universe...
A combination of dance, comedy and acrobatics.
The result: the World Champions of "Rhytmic Sport-comedy"
With this trio as the only competitors, a total weight of 221 kilograms and they youthful bullshit addiction these three modern clowns present a swirling, hilarious performance.  

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Sweet Chefs straattheatervoorstelling

Sweet Chefs

Two top chefs, sweet pink from head to toe, are already causing people to smile when they walk to their playing spot. 

Persiflage of Living Statues because there is always movement. As the wind blows... the cotton candy goes. Does suger make everyone hyper?

Living Cotton Candy for everyone. From a distance you can enjoy this sweet picture even more.

Chef keeps on turning! But what is he waiting for? This sweet act is just like sugar but more refined. Two pink chefs as sweet as sugar, good for the laughing muscles but bad for the teeth. 

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Teatro Due Mondi

Stilt acrobatics with a story: that is wat the Italian duo Due Mondi portrays in their performances. 


Fiesta is based on a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and tells the story of the young Erendira, whose grandmother forces her into prostitution. The story is initially told in English and then brought into a parade. Hereby the people are enthralled and sucked into the enthousiastic group. With fire, smoke and challenging battles with men and women the audience will really enjoy this group. 

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The Rolling Amazons

Quest for Time

With mobile street theatre on skates The Rolling Amazones create a special vibe at any event. Speachless they explore everything around them. Rolling through time these travelers are amazed by the smallest details of the most ordinary things. Nothing is normal anymore. Immerse yourself in the adventure of these mysterious ladies!